Should You Use AI Content for SEO

Studies show that 76% of marketers are already leveraging AI for content creation. AI-powered tools are churning out articles, product descriptions, and even scripts at lightning speed. But with SEO being the lifeblood of organic traffic, a crucial question emerges: is AI-generated content good for SEO?

The answer, like most things in SEO, is nuanced. AI can be a powerful ally, but it’s important to understand both its strengths and limitations to leverage it effectively.

The Good: AI’s Superpowers for SEO

  • Content Efficiency: AI excels at generating vast amounts of content quickly. This allows you to target long-tail keywords, create informative blog posts, and populate product pages efficiently – all crucial for SEO.

  • Keyword Prowess: AI tools can analyse vast amounts of search data to identify relevant keywords and their search volumes. This helps you optimise your content for the terms users are actively searching for.

  • Structural Optimization: AI can craft content that adheres to SEO best practices, including proper formatting, headings, and internal linking structures. This improves the readability and crawlability of your website for search engines.

The Bad: Where AI Can Stumble

  • Lack of Originality: AI content can sometimes feel formulaic and derivative. Search engines value fresh, insightful content, and AI-generated text might struggle to deliver that unique voice.

  • Factual Inconsistencies: Relying solely on AI can lead to factual errors or misleading information. While AI can process data well, human expertise is necessary for accuracy and credibility.

  • Engagement Gap: AI-written content can miss the mark on user engagement. Humour, wit, and storytelling – all crucial for keeping users hooked – are areas where AI still struggles.

The Ugly: When AI Backfires for SEO

  • Content Thinness: AI might generate thin content that lacks depth or valuable insights. Search engines prioritise content that offers value to users, and thin content can actually hurt your rankings.

  • Duplicate Content Issues: If you’re not careful, AI can churn out duplicate content across your website or even the internet. This can be disastrous for SEO, as search engines penalise websites with duplicate content.

  • Black Hat Territory: Some unscrupulous tactics involve using AI to generate low-quality content stuffed with keywords. This is a surefire way to get penalised by search engines.

The Verdict: Human-AI Collaboration is Key

So, can AI help with SEO? Absolutely! But it should be viewed as a tool to empower human creators, not replace them. Here’s the winning formula:

  • Use AI for Scaffolding: Let AI generate outlines, conduct keyword research, and suggest relevant content ideas.

  • Humanise the Content: Take AI-generated content as a starting point. Edit, fact-check, and infuse it with your brand’s voice and unique insights.

  • Focus on Value: Prioritise creating content that is genuinely informative, engaging, and solves user problems.

By using AI strategically and maintaining a human touch, you can leverage its strengths to create high-quality content that both users and search engines love.

What does Google have to say about AI generated content?

Google’s ranking algorithms prioritise original, high-quality content that showcases expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). This principle emphasises the importance of the content’s quality over its method of production.

  • Prioritising Quality: Google’s systems reward content that provides real value, whether created by humans or AI. As long as the content embodies the principles of E-E-A-T, it can achieve high rankings in search results.

  • AI and Spam Policies: Google prohibits the use of AI solely to manipulate search rankings, considering it a violation of their spam policies. Google’s SpamBrain system is effective in detecting and penalising such practices.

  • Using AI Responsibly: To benefit from AI-generated content without running afoul of Google’s guidelines, ensure that the content is created with the primary intent to serve and inform users, rather than to game the search algorithms. By focusing on producing valuable and trustworthy content, AI can be a powerful tool in your SEO strategy.

The Future of AI and SEO

Here’s a peek into what the future might hold:

  • AI’s Understanding of User Intent: As AI continues to develop, its ability to understand user intent is expected to become more nuanced. This will allow AI to create content that is not just keyword-rich, but also truly addresses the searcher’s needs and questions.

  • Hyper-Personalized Content: The future of SEO might involve hyper-personalised content that caters to individual user preferences. AI can analyse a user’s search history, browsing behaviour, and even location to deliver content that is laser-focused on their interests.

  • Evolving Search Engine Algorithms: Search engine algorithms are constantly being updated, and AI can play a role in staying ahead of the curve. AI can analyse search engine trends and identify new ranking factors, allowing SEO professionals to adapt their strategies accordingly.

  • The Rise of Voice Search: Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and AI is well-suited to cater to this trend. AI-powered tools can help create content optimised for natural language queries.

Vinay Kumar
Vinay Kumar

Building Generative AI Solutions